kiss your life♥

Planning.  I am not one big for making plans or keeping plans or even adhering to a given plan.  I just plain don’t like having rules, guidelines, or certainties on how something must be done or when it should be done.  Kind of strange seeing as how I work in the Financial Industry which has nothing but time sensitive plans being made daily.  But that is me, this is who I am when it comes to things involving me.

I can’t grasp the fact that everything happens for a reason and each thing has a purpose whether it be beneficial now or later.  That thought in its own blows my mind.  But I know it to be true.  I know everything in the end will make sense.  I know we meet certain people at certain times because that moment in itself is Kismet.  I love that word ‘Kismet’ by the way.  It is just a sweet word to me.  Almost like a hopeful lovely word that will always renew my faith if I ever lose it.  Plus its fun to say♥ 

Anyhow, back to that moment.  This world simply astonishes me.  Sometimes I can find myself just sitting there in utter disbelief.  Disbelief that is not always bad but a lot of times good actually.  I love when I have a day where I can come to find I am in a good place or working towards that.  When that understanding hits and I see that the me now is better than the me 6 months ago or even a year ago.  I like to see the outcomes of things.  I admit it I am an instant gratification kind of girl on most things.  I like to know what I am doing now will produce later.  I want to know the outcome.  If you know me at all then you know I am horrible {awful really} with surprises, presents, waiting…anything that is not happening now.  I get antsy.  Waiting for something is not my forte and apparently neither is completing one thought pattern today.  I blame the bottomless coffee cup someone put on my desk♥ 

To avoid going off in another direction yet again and acknowledging my horrible ability to produce a thought clearly at the moment I will just say this.  I absolutely cannot fathom how this world works but I LOVE it!  The thought of the intricate web of connections hurts my brain so I will just accept it.  I love where I am at and trust that all I have done in the past and everything in between somehow has to have a purpose in getting me to this point.  That without any of it, it would not be possible for me to be here now loving this moment. 

World you are a tricky little thing and I love it!  You keep me on my toes♥

{kiss your life today, now just as it is♥}

{love loudly.}

About brandylpeterson

a million things make me who I am but just a few of them touch my core. 1. First and foremost, I am a mother to the most beautiful little girl who amazes me and tests me daily. I also coach her soccer team and love all of my little girls. 2. I Love hard and break even harder...but getting into my heart for that Love is the tricky part. 3. I reserve my full self for those who show they are worth the effort. 4. I believe everything happens for a reason and if it is meant to be then it will be. 5. I love the word kismet.
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2 Responses to kiss your life♥

  1. takelifebythehand says:

    Amazing post .Things define people and with out that nothing would be right. Im defined by the people i love and others are defined by what the do and love. Amzing post

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